My brain at all times:
"I love you," she had whispered, and time had stopped.
Title: Sonnet 29 Author: Inkibat Pairing: Stephanie Brown/Jason Todd Rating: T Summary: When Stephanie tells Jason she loves him, he has to find a way to say it back.
Written for JaySteph Pop Up Valentine's Day hosted by @jaystephevents!
You know what would be nice. Imagine a in relationship, Jason and Stephanie cuddling in bed. It’s just them and their bed. Snuggled close after a night together and nothing else at that moment matters because they’re wrapped up in their most important person’s arms. Screw everything else in the world, they are in a comfy place and happy and warm.
เลิกทะเลาะกันเมื่อไหร่ โลกจะแตกเมื่อนั้น
It's how they show love
I don't care what anyone says, stephjay if it becomes canon, whether platonic or romantic has a nice build up so far
It's slow and steady, just barely touching on it. Easing us in so that when it does happen, we all buy it. That's just my take though..