i thought to bring this to your knowledge just so you know why i might be slightly inactive
the thing is that a couple of weeks ago i woke up one morning feeling all dizzy, the whole room turning basically over. i spent the whole day lying about, and vertigo continued for a whole week. then it was gone and i was fine and was left wondering what the hell it was about. that time it was so bad that i even threw up once
well, last week’s wednesday it came back just out of nowhere. it lasted until friday and then disappeared, and then somehow, yesterday when i was standing in the line in the uni cafeteria, it hit me again and lasted until the evening.
so the thing is that it seems that atm my head is somehow rather unstable? when faced with vertigo it feels really unpleasant to be staring at any screen, so it might be that i have to slow down writing. i’m telling you this so you won’t wonder if it takes time to update the HHT. it might take anything from the regular one week to two or even more :/
i will keep the BB as my highest priority and will answer messages and keep the thing up without a delay unless everything goes spinning very badly. cheers xx