The Bride and her dads at a baseball game. She has a soda hat so she can hold both their hands
... I ...
... I may or may not have a soft spot for concop...
I guess I'm a dickbutz shipper now
then perish
I want to get on your back. No!
君の背中に乗りたいな。 ダメ!
so here’s a quick story
to help with decision making when going on a date, my bf and i created a list of 20 restaurants we like. 1 being ihop (as a joke, neither of us actually like ihop), 20 being our favorite steakhouse, with the rest in no particular order. we roll a d20 and go to the corresponding place
after i wrote the list down, he goes “roll it, let’s go to dinner tomorrow night!” i got excited, he got a die out, and i fucking CRIT FAILED and now we’re FORCED to go to ihop tomorrow because both of us are too stubborn to back out omg
im currently on the phone with him and im saying “what time you wanna go” and he’s all “to ihop? what time are we going to ihop?” omg he just keeps saying ihop to emphasize how dumb we are
okay but this is the cutest and most real shit i’ve ever seen.
The rolls are meaningless if critical failures don’t come with consequences.
This adorable little robot is designed to make sure its photosynthesising passenger is well taken care of. It moves towards brighter light if it needs, or hides in the shade to keep cool. When in the light, it rotates to make sure the plant gets plenty of light. It even likes to play with humans.
Oh, and apparently, it gets antsy when it’s thirsty.
The robot is actually an art project called “Sharing Human Technology with Plants” by a roboticist named Sun Tianqi. It’s made from a modified version of a Vincross HEXA robot, and in his own words, it’s purpose is “to explore the relationship between living beings and robots.”
I don’t care if it’s silly. I want one.
This may just be the cutest thing i’ve ever watched omg
Lmfao I just… I can’t help myself. Both voices are mine (u w u)
Happy Towel Day to all you hoopy froods out there!! ( ´ヮ´)ノ