I'm annoyed.
I am a Christian, keep that in mind.
But if I hear one more pseudo-Christian say that abortion is wrong because they are just “innocent humans” or “innocent little babies” I’m going to hit them with my study bible.
Humans aren’t innocent. Ever. Period. I think as Christians we should really take that in before we try to force people, who don’t share our views, to behave as if they have the morals of Christ.
Also as Christians it is not our job to spend countless hours of the precious time God has given us berating people who are pro-choice. Do you know what Jesus would do? He would hold the hands of moms while they contemplated abortion. He would tell the mother of an aborted baby that she is loved and cared for whether she sees herself as a mother or not. He would not approve of about 100% of the trash I see you guys saying “in the name of Christ” (which yes you are in fact doing in their eyes the SECOND you name yourself as a follower of Christ). So get your noses back in your bibles and leave people on the internet alone, because I haven’t once seen anyone's mind changed on that topic from a dramatic internet post anyway.