Only a few of these left. See link in bio! #dcshg #maquette #dcsuperherogirls #sculpture #resincasting #collectibles
Made this quick video to show how the figure should look when the parts are assembled with the intended orientation. I’ve got enough leftover pieces to make some more, so DM me if interested! #dcsuperherogirls #dcshg #resinart #3dprinting #sculpture #collectibles
The last of the preorders are finished and ready for a coat of primer before shipping out. I’ve got enough leftover raw parts for several more figures, so if you missed the preorder and would like to have one of these for yourself or a friend, feel free to DM me! #dcsuperherogirls #dcshg #3dprinting #sculpture
The last of the preorders are all finished and ready for a coat of primer before shipping out. I’ve got enough leftover raw parts for several more figures, so if you missed the preorder and want one for yourself, just DM me! #dcshg #dcsuperherogirls
First ten assembled without glue. I still need to fit the sword blades into the gilts on most of these. We should be shipping these out at a rate of ten per week starting this weekend! Thanks to everyone who supported the project. Always lots of bumps in the road when doing things like this, but we’re finally getting there! #dcsuperherogirls #3dprinting #resinkit #sculpture #amazonwarrior
First ten figures just about done! I should be getting ahold of them in the next day or so for final inspection. I’ll post some photos of them assembled soon! #sculpture #collectibles #resincasting #dcsuperherogirls #3dprinting
First casting of the face came out great! Captured the details of the original really well. Splitting the face and hair into two separate pieces was definitely the way to go. #3dprinting #resincasting #dcsuperherogirls
UV curing some sword blades with some So Cal sunshine! #elegoomars #3dprinting #dcsuperherogirls #resinfigures
Got all the parts printed and fitted together. Some minor flaws still need fixing, but here she is! I love that magical moment when the virtual becomes real. #WonderWoman #dcsuperherogirls #3dprinting #blender #sculpture #3dmodeling #elegoo
#wonderwoman #dcsuperherogirls #3dprinting #elegoomars #sculpture #maquette #blender
Low res test print to check proportions and sturdiness. Sword and ankles are a bit too thin and fragile so they’ll be beefed up. May go for an oval base as well. This one is 7” tall. Next test will be 8”. #wonderwoman #dcsuperherogirls #sculpture #figure #3dprinting #blender
Trying out a different idea for the hair. #dcsuperherogirls #wonderwoman #blender 3dsculpting
WW WIP! #dcsuperherogirls #wonderwoman #sculpture #3dsculpting #blender
Test print for a new project! Looks like the earrings need to print as separate pieces. Really liking the results I’m getting from my new printer! #dcsuperherogirls #wonderwoman #3dprinting #3dmodelling #elegoomars #sculpture