“A bit of news”
This as yet incomplete Secret Santa fic for mosteyn is all I could manage to put together by the deadline because the last month of my life has been something of a dumpster fire. Nothing serious when I can convince myself to step away and see the larger picture, but just enough that I couldn’t get even this much done. Le sigh.
I hope to have the rest of this short little fic in the next couple of days, in the meantime, enjoy the start …
Christmas Eve, 1926
Sybil stared at the door across the room from her as if trying to will it to open. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this nervous. It seemed silly to her that she was, but she couldn’t help it. What the doctor on the other side of that door would tell her would change her life, one way or another. This much she knew, so she just wanted to get on with things.
But she also wanted him to say, “Yes.”
So she waited.