#1833 – @chic-a-gigot on Tumblr

Manches ballon, très volumineuses.

@chic-a-gigot /

art, design, fashion, fetish, and strange things; forty-something he/him/his

La Mode, Pl. 280, 26 janvier 1833, Paris. Coiffure éxécutée par Mr. Jouenne, ornée de Bracelets et d'une couronne de Melle Casaubon, Rue St. Fiacre. Robe de crèpe à mantilles avec ornemens de satin et blonde. Digital Collections of the Los Angeles Public Library


La Mode, Pl. 276, 12 janvier 1833, Paris. Capotes de velours ornés d'oiseaux de paradis. Robes de satin broché par Mme Cocheu. Sac en velours à glands et cordons d'or. Digital Collections of the Los Angeles Public Library

The woman on the right is wearing an orange dress with gigot sleeves, a white ruff, and a fur stole around her neck. She is wearing white gloves and is holding a small reticule in her right hand. She is also wearing a bonnet decorated with a feather. The woman on the left is facing away from the viewer. She is wearing a blue dress of similar design, also with a fur stole around her neck. She is wearing a green bonnet decorated with a feather.

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