🇯🇵 studying at the Portuguese cafe next to my place🇵🇹
🥦 💌 🍍 🥭 🍅 letters and vocab lists
Fruits & Veggies in Korean
Fruits in Korean
딸기: strawberries 사과: apples 블루베리: blueberries 포도: grapes 체리: cherries 복숭아: peaches 라즈베리: raspberries 블랙베리: blackberries 토마토: tomatoes 오이: cucumbers 멜론: melons 수박: watermelon
Vegetables in Korean
상추: lettuce 당근들: carrots 무: radish 시금치: spinach 고추: chili 비트: beetroot 완두류: peas 양파: onion 케일: kale 감자: potato 대황: rhubarb 마늘: garlic
Herbs in Korean
허브: herb 바질: basil 민트: mint 부추: chives 로즈메리: rosemary 오레가노: oregano 현자의: sage 파슬리: parsley 백리향: thyme 딜: dill 고수: cilantro
24.02.2024 [😄]
📙: 24시간을 48시간처럼 보내기/ Make each day feel like 48 hours
Törmäsin taas tällaiseen ja päätin lokalisoida. Tällä kertaa perusjätskimaut!
Tägätkää tai kommentoikaa omat lempparit :)
Idea julmasti pöllitty tästä julkaisusta.
Vocabulary Word 1 :
❀ プリンセスケーキ | Prinsesstårta
Hungarian fast food vocabulary
Thought about this as we went out for burgers with my colleagues today :) There are some pretty straightforward words, but I thought I’d collect some useful words.
gyorskaja - fast food
kaja - (slang) food
étel - food
ital - drink
egészségtelen - unhealthy
gyorsétterem - fast food restaurant
hamburger, burger - hamburger/burger
sajtburger - cheeseburger
sült krumpli - fries (”fried potatoes”)
hagymakarikák - onion rings
szósz - dip
majonéz - mayonnaise
mustár - mustard
kóla - coke
szénsavas üdítő - fizzy drink, soda
turmix, shake - shake
tejturmix - milkshake
fagylalt, fagyi - ice cream
fánk - doughnut
sütemény, süti, torta - cake
sajttorta - cheesecake
desszert - dessert
csokis - chocolate (flavoured)
vaníliás - vanilla (flavoured)
epres - strawberry (flavoured)
házhoz szállítás - delivery
rendelés - order
elvitel - takeout
These are the ones I could think of right now (let me know if you’re interested in any other words - most things we just call the same :D)
@languagesandshootingstars not sure if you have a similar post in Finnish yet, or do you want to make one? :)
Wish we had these.
Feeding my marzipan pigs with marzipan potatoes ❤️❤️❤️
Polenta day - Bassa pianura padana ... Italy
Ernæringsordforråd på norsk bokmål Nutrition vocabulary in Norwegian Bokmål
Given I supposedly know a few things about nutrition (having two degrees and all), I figured I should learn how to talk about it in Norwegian! Here’s a (somewhat long, but still incomplete!) vocab list that will hopefully be useful to both those who are scientifically-inclined and those who aren’t. Please let me know if there are any mistakes!
overvekt (m/f) - overweight(ness) fedme (m) - obesity undervekt (m/f) - underweight(ness)
fettvev (n) - adipose tissue brunt fettvev (n) - brown adipose tissue hvitt fettvev (n) - white adipose tissue muskelvev (n) - muscle tissue mage (m) - stomach lever (m/f) - liver bukspyttkjertel (m) - pancreas tynntarm (m) - small intestine tykktarm (m) large intestine fordøyelsessystem (n) - digestive system immunforsvarssystem (n) - immune system
ernæring (m/f) - nutrition næringsstoff (n) - nutrient makronæringsstoff (n) - macronutrient mikronæringsstoff (n) - micronutrient fett (n) - fat lipid (n) - lipid karbohydrat (n) - carbohydrate protein (n) - protein sukker (n) - sugar (general) sukkerstoff (n) - sugar (specific) glukose (m) - glucose fruktose (m) - fructose melksukker (n), laktose (m) - lactose aminosyre (m/f) - amino acid forgrenet aminosyre (m/f) - branched chain amino acid essensiell aminosyre (m/f) - essential amino acid triglyserid (n) - triglyceride glyserol (m) - glycerol fettsyre (m/f) - fatty acid keton (n) - ketone vitamin (n) - vitamin fiber (m) - fibre
jern (n) - iron selen (n) - selenium kalsium (n) - calcium magnesium (m/n) - magnesium mangan (n) - manganese sink (m/n) - zinc kobber (n) - copper natrium (n) - sodium kalium (n) - potassium fosfor (m/n) - phosphorus jod (m/n) - iodine
fettløselig (adj) - fat-soluble vannløselig (adj) - water-soluble giftig (adj) - toxic
proteinpulver (n) - protein powder gluten (n) - gluten koffein (m/n) - caffeine aspartam (n) - aspartame søtningsstoff (n) - sweetner kunstig fargelegging (m/f) - artificial colouring kunstig smaktilsetning (m/f) - artificial flavouring fri radikal (n) - free radical antioksidant (m) - antioxidant alkohol (m) - alcohol vann (n) - water dehydrert (adj) - dehydrated
plantbasert (adj) - plant-based vegetarianer (m) - vegetarian (person) vegetarisk (adj) - vegetarian (food, diet) veganer (m) - vegan (person) vegansk (adj) - vegan (food, diet) glutenfri (adj) - gluten-free
energi (n) - energy energioverskudd (n) - energy surplus energiunderskudd (n) - energy deficiency kalori (m) - calorie kosthold (n) - diet (general) diett (m) - diet (specific) metabolisme (m) - metabolism metabolsk nivå (n) - metabolic rate metabolsk aktivt - metabolically active
å faste (v1) - to fast å sulte (v1) - to be/go hungry å fordøye (v1/v3) - to digest å mangle på (v1) - to be deficient in å legge på seg (v) - to gain weight å gå ned i vekt (v) - to lose weight å slanke seg (v1) - to slim down å komme i form (v) - to get in shape å bygge muskler (v1/v3) - to build muscles å trene (v2) - to exercise, to train
Småländsk Ostkaka / Curd Cake