artemis: walking through a forest, hearing the leaves rustling in the leaves, feeling content and happy, holding your journal to your chest, scaling the nearby trees to feel like you're on the top of the world, inhaling the scent of leaves and rain
euphrosyne: skipping across an old rickety bridge, bursting with joy, feeling the breeze in your hair, a book tucked into your bag, a cup of coffee in your hands
persephone: running across a field in spring, holding hands with someone you love, looking at how spring emerges, laughing up at the sun, seeing birds fly across the sky
dionysus: avoiding going to class, feeling like life is stretched out endlessly in front of you, sitting at an empty baseball field, reaching into a bucket of popcorn, drinking slushies at 3 in the morning
aphrodite: going to a coffee shop with the person you love, being best friends, unconsciously looking for them everywhere, realizing you never have to try when you're around them