People are offended that I’m rarely offended.. But yet, if something actually offends me, no one gives a fuck..??!
I don't understand the whole deal with hate on fictional characters being 'problematic' unless they're just outright prejudiced pieces of shit. I'm not naming any names, so I don't start a fandom uproar, but my fave IS somewhat problematic, but every character needs flaws. If you hate a character then just don't watch the show.
High school couples are so weird and gross. Like yesterday my best friend brought his little cousin and her gf over and all they did was touch and talk about sex like ew you're like 16 sorry can I unsee/unhear this bc I feel like a criminal and yall sure talk a lot damn.
In movies, why do people always write their numbers on the palm of the other person's hand? Like, I'd sweat it off and curse myself forever if I actually liked said person. I have clammy hands. Why not a piece of paper? Or better yet, just put it in their fucking cellphone?? Even in older films, why not at least write it on the person's arm or back of the hand or idk, literally anywhere fucking else??
It's called mental illness, because it's A FUCKING ILLNESS. put that in ur pipe & shove it up ur ass. about we STOP ASSUMING PEOPLE'S GENDERS. Don't be afraid to ask.
OOKAY... I don't want to rant too much but, skinny shaming is as bad as fat shaming. Stop.
My good friend keeps complaining about how hard his life is compared to mine in great detail and just omg dude stop with the pity party, we all have our own battles, I support you and love you but gah stop picking apart my life and making it seem like I have nothing to worry about and that your life is so awful. I'm sorry. I'm just tired of you making me feel like this.
Blogs that promote eating disorders and self harm make me fucking sick.
There are so many little twats on this website lol.
Alright, what I am going to say will probably offend some people, but so be it. Anyways.. I am really sick and tired of scrolling through my dash and seeing photos of malnourished girls, self harm, and blogs promoted as being dedicated to sadness/self hatred. I’m tired of seeing self loathing being glamorized while promoting an indcredibly distorted view of “perfection”. Speaking as a person who has recovered from an eating disorder, still self harms and struggles with depression and self hatred at times, I just don’t get it. It’s sad to me that so many of you feel that way, but it’s sickening that eating disorders, self harm, depression and self loathing have become their own ‘trendy’ subculture in a way.
And on a slightly different note: No one is perfect. NO ONE. In my opinion, perfection doesn’t even exist. We are all equally flawed. Starving yourself or hating yourself won’t make you perfect. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can make a step toward recovery and be a happier person.
I just felt like getting that off my chest.
What's with all these people self promoting and asking for a tumblr girlfriend? What is a tumblr girlfriend even? What do they do exactly? Are they like a real girlfriend or? Someone help me out..?
if u remove my caption on my photos that i took i will remove 1 of ur fingers ok.