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☺Grinner's Paradise☺

@cheddar-baby /

:) Queer Anarchist (any / all) (:

every time i remember this video exists im not even exaggerating when i say i wheeze until i cant breathe its the fuckijgn funniest thing in thw world to me it gives me a migraine every time i watch it



Couple bites onto a burger worlds a beautiful thing couple bites out ans its all over again


i think the best case of that “baki is like what if we had to reinvent masculinity” post is during a fight where baki starts sweating a lot and then starts crying and then pisses himself and then this piss+tears+sweat mixture is being splashed all over the audience including baki’s girlfriend and the narrator treats the situation as if it’s the single most noble act to piss yourself due to the excitement of combat and then also to be willing to be splashed with piss because you respect the fight so much

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