ATS 1.22 | BTVS 3.18
BTVS 4.09 | ATS 2.02
BTVS 3.18 "Earshot" | ATS 3.11 "Birthday"
COFFY APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 Day 01: Favorite Parallel ↪ their similar sass/wit
COFFY APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 DAY 01: Favorite Parallel(s)
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER 7.08 “Sleeper” | ANGEL 5.02 “Just Rewards”
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | 5.20 – “Spiral” ANGEL | 3.16 – “Sleep Tight”
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (1997-2003) 2.06 – “Halloween” ANGEL (1999-2004) 2.17 – “Disharmony”
Cordy + being the world’s greatest undercover investigator
BTVS 3.21 || ATS 5.15 In Graduation Day Part 1, Buffy tries to convince Wesley to help her by telling him that "this is about watching my lover die." Wesley would later watch his own lover die in his arms in "A Hole in the World." (x)
Sunnydale, 1998 | Romania, 1898
it's strange how similar spike and darla are: they both fulfil a similar narrative function for buffy and angel respectively in the forbidden-relationship sense (i could go on and on about this but that's for another day); angel and darla in "reprise" hit a lot of the same self-hating, nihilistic beats that buffy and spike hit in "smashed"; they each struggle with the gaining of a soul (darla when she becomes human, spike in s7); they both exist in a strange limbo between human and vampire, what with spike being in love with buffy and his "can't be a human; can't be a vampire" arc and darla and motherhood/her humanity; they're each sired by drusilla; each have to deal with a betrayal of sorts by angel becoming good (s1 btvs and s2 btvs); each have a new name (darla and "spike"/"william the bloody") foisted on them; darla practically is doing a spike imitation in how she interacts with drusilla (in an overtly romantic manner) in "reunion" and "redefinition"; and most importantly, both were brought back from the dead because, let's face it, they were two of the most compelling, ever-surprising characters of "buffy" and "angel".
and yet out of the fanged four, they are the two who interact least. i don't even know if we see either of them directly address a line to the other in the entirety of the buffyverse.