Flexible circuit boards manufacturing (JLCPCB, 2023)
Inkjet print head uses a fiducial camera for registering an FPC panel, and after alignment it prints graphics with UV-cureable epoxy in two passes
Flexible circuit boards manufacturing (JLCPCB, 2023)
Inkjet print head uses a fiducial camera for registering an FPC panel, and after alignment it prints graphics with UV-cureable epoxy in two passes
Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix (PSX, 2001)
Hybrid rendering technique: polygonal cell-shaded 3D characters are composed into pre-rendered animated 2D backgrounds. Static wide angle shots are mainly used for the locations—except the first ‘establishing’ shot where the camera cranes up, transitioning from cutscene to gameplay.
The differences between character models and backgrounds are more noticeable while playing this game on emulator in HD mode (obviously), but any videophile can surely pick up these subtle nuances with their trained eyes on a good CRT display as well.
P. S. Here are some environment porn pics from FFVII.
Replacing flash control pushbuttons on one Nikon 35Ti with the slide switch from another one.