#gotham – @ceruleanvulpine on Tumblr

send all mutants to the moon for ever

@ceruleanvulpine /

b, she/they, 27

jim gordon must die episode 3: cryptocurrency hater jim gordon

We discuss S1E3 of Gotham, 'The Balloonman.' This episode is good, actually.

Typical content warnings for discussion of fictional police brutality, and then also, I guess, cartoonish murder by weather balloon.


happy friday, i broke my promise to never make an RSS feed

secondly, we now have a neocities website containing links to all the existing episodes.

thirdly, we now have an RSS feed, so our podcast can be consumed through your podcast player of choice instead of google drive links! follow the steps for adding a custom or private feed (like you would for, e.g., a patreon feed), and add this url:

no guarantees that this feed will be successfully maintained, but you know, i said I was never gonna make one, so you probably shouldn't trust me at this point

  • do you enjoy podcasts where good friends discuss bad tv?
  • are you someone who has watched gotham (tv) and has a love-hate relationship with it, or someone who has not watched gotham (tv) and would like to learn some deranged facts?
  • are you intrigued by the idea of a show that can't decide if it's a grim police procedural or a campy supervillain romp? a show that combines characters i want to put in the microwave with ideas that make me throw my hands in the air and say HOW DID YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT??
  • have you heard that @luckydicekirby and i are beautiful geniuses?

you may enjoy Jim Gordon Must Die: episode 1

this podcast contains discussion of portrayals of police violence, gun violence, and domestic violence, and how they are handled (badly). on a lighter note, it also contains the backstory of how i live-texted kirby all of season 1 of gotham, a show she had not watched, in the immediate lead-up to having a mental breakdown and going on leave from undergrad.

we will never have a podcast feed or a regular update schedule and that's a promise. but i do think we're funny


I forgot that I promised to include pictures of oswald cobblepot but they took the show off Netflix so I had to take pictures of my screen with my phone bc Tubi blocks screenshots. round glasses vs. stabbing an old man for a sandwich

  • do you enjoy podcasts where good friends discuss bad tv?
  • are you someone who has watched gotham (tv) and has a love-hate relationship with it, or someone who has not watched gotham (tv) and would like to learn some deranged facts?
  • are you intrigued by the idea of a show that can't decide if it's a grim police procedural or a campy supervillain romp? a show that combines characters i want to put in the microwave with ideas that make me throw my hands in the air and say HOW DID YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT??
  • have you heard that @luckydicekirby and i are beautiful geniuses?

you may enjoy Jim Gordon Must Die: episode 1

this podcast contains discussion of portrayals of police violence, gun violence, and domestic violence, and how they are handled (badly). on a lighter note, it also contains the backstory of how i live-texted kirby all of season 1 of gotham, a show she had not watched, in the immediate lead-up to having a mental breakdown and going on leave from undergrad.

we will never have a podcast feed or a regular update schedule and that's a promise. but i do think we're funny


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