@cerix-the-gray-prince on Tumblr

Gray is Beautiful

@cerix-the-gray-prince /

List of Labels I kinda give a damn about: Homestuck Trash/ Virgo/ Asexual/ Male. That's it. Now go home.

Well most of the people I follow up and left.

So I might regret this. But my Twitter handle is @ PrinceCerix

My activity will mostly be on there from now on I guess. No point on staying logged on atm. I'll probably return if I hear news of Tumblr fixing itself, but I doubt it.


The bardic meta ultimatum

Our wonderful troupe approaches the first door in our second dungeon.

Dm: the door cannot be opened until you defeat the first boss.

Me, Asair Tryclatyce, Halfling Bard: so we can’t open it or unlock it right.

Dm: correct…? (Trepidation in her voice because of legends of bard shenanigans)

Me: ayo, ima seduce the door.

Dm: no, you cannot do this. Not yet. Please, dear Gods above, let this fucking fail please. Roll charisma.

Me: hello there sexy, I see you’ve got 12 planks of wood, want one more? (Winks and rolls)

(The entire table holds their breath)

(Nat 20, not to mention my +5 charisma bonus)

Dm: ……. (faceplants the table) why must you do this. (Throws hands in air) FUCKING FINE YOU NOW HAVE A FUCKING DOOR WHO IS INFATUATED WITH YOU. (pauses momentarily then laughs) due to your overwhelming ah… shall we say… appeal? The door is now obsessed with you. You have a yandere door who follows you around and kills ANYONE YOU FLIRT WITH IN ONE HIT YOU STUPID FUCKING BARD HOW’S THAT FOR A PLOT TWIST?

Me: that’s chill, I can work with it.

We proceed to get the high level loot inside the room and when we reach bosses, I flirt with them and the door immediately kills the boss.

Dm: ….what have I done.


i noticed that alot of LBGT kids feel like they have to tell their friends and family that theyre LBGT. even if theyll be rejected

and i want to remind u all that nobody is entitled to knowing your romantic, sexual or gender orientations. nobody. you have no moral obligation to share that information if youre not comfortable with doing so

youre not “lying” by not telling people or “hiding”. cause its honestly no ones business but your own

you come out on your own terms when you feel safe and comfortable doing so!! or you can come out to a few trusted people if you want before telling a larger group

dont feel like you owe that information to anyone ok??

bringing this back for national coming out day!


some movie character resting their head against the bus window: sad, lost in deep thought, staring into the world passing by, sorrowful music……

my head when i attempt to rest it against the bus window:

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