Picture if you will... (RWBY Suicide Squad)
Neo... ends up being arrested then placed on a team of mercs who committed their own crimes in other parts of the world. Ironwood is in charge of the program Neo is placed in and tells them if they ever wanna get time off their sentencing they'll do these missions for the Atlesian Military. The mission: to infiltrate Cinder's base of operations and try to assassinate her. If there's ever to be a spin-off RWBY series that's directed towards older viewers this would be a pretty badass storyline. lol Sorry but the last Suicide Squad trailer just had me picturing Neo playing the role of Harley Quinn. lol Neo: *smashes window to steal a purse* Escort Soldier: "Seriously!? The hell's wrong with you people?" Neo: *rolls her eyes* "We're bad-guys. It's what we do!"