I hope none of you disappear in the coming days. Seriously don't do anything that can't be undone.
I know i'm just a random person you follow online but I mean it. People (all kinds of marginalised people too!) Have survived all types of horrible times and managed to find happiness eventually. If for no one else, survive for them. And also, try to survive because the people making you despair don't want you to live. Don't give this to them. Don't give your life. The best thing you can do is cling to it with everything you've got. Lay in bed for a day if you have to. but please promise you won't hurt yourself.
Take screen breaks, (now more than ever!!) Meet up, Call your friends, call your family if you're on good terms. Spend time with pets. Text your favourite mutual you never speak to if you've got no one irl. Hell, log on a minecraft server if nothing else. Or rewatch your favourite show.
Make sure you eat enough and sleep enough, and take the meds and vitamins that you need. Don't believe anything you think if you're hungry and tired and have been scrolling too long.
Get a therapy appointment if you think you need it.
You can absolutely not take any shortcuts when it comes to your wellbeing right now.