Family shot and cast shot. Wow. I still don’t have the words to express what HBLB has meant these last two years. It gave me a home, a family, a safe space to be sad last year. It encouraged me as an artist and gave me ownership as a crew member. It enabled me to see performers outside my immediate sphere. I even grew as a person. I used to do wacky monthlies in college and had forgotten how much I love continued collaboration with folks. It’s not a thing we often get in burlesque. But @apollovidra made it happen. Thanks for everything! On to the next adventure! #itsaCHOSENfamilyshow #werenotcarnegiehall #butwehadfun #hblb #seabq (at Substation)
This month’s cast of Highbrow/Lowbrow! Next month is our LAST SHOW so join us on 12/26 to celebrate two years of glorious queer weirdness. #hblb #chosenfamily #substation206 #otterpupproductions (at Substation)
@apollovidra and I as extras in Godspell which is not the musical we're even doing tonight. #hblb #chosenfamily #seabq (at Substation)
Felt it was really important everyone see this look I've got going for Middlebrow Madness. There's still time to come to Substation and see it and other babes in person! #substation #hardfemme #seabq #hblb #seattlenightlife #redhead #bruises (at Substation)
Bonnibelle made friends with an adorable pup! #clowngirl #hblb #SEABQ #pup (at Substation)
'Hey Scarlett can you take dumb sexy photos of me?' "Sure" *5 seconds later* "Dumber! Sexier! Be more dumb and sexy!" #seabq #pantyboss #friendship #highbrowlowbrow #hblb #substation (at Substation)
A photo of me discussing why I would rather fight twenty duck sized horses than one horse sized duck. Come see me answer more ridiculous questions and pick up after our amazing cast and this month's Highbrow/Lowbrow! 730pm September 27th! #seabq #hblb #queerart #seattleartists (at Substation)