type of shit im on
Hatsune Morshu
sorry, link. i don’t give credit. come back when you’re a littleMMMMricher!
me: uh oh! if i fail to block any more of these spells, the evil wizard will take over my mind and make me suck him off!!! i need to be careful, i can feel it working already...
the evil wizard trying to blow my head off with lightning bolts: that's not what I'm trying to do
"the inherent divinity of" bro what inherent divinity 😭😭😭 everythings freaking normal
We gotta come together
I’m afraid that when I say “my butch,” people, especially straight people, are hearing “my daddy.” That’s fine for many. But when I say “my butch”, what I mean is:
what is THE worst thing you've ever drank. all liquids acceptable. please tell me what it was, bonus points for why
puppy want a treat?
puppy want a fucking break from it all
happy birthday to large boulder size of a small boulder
I think a significant part of this whole neo-Victorian sexual moral panic is down to the fact that society en masse simply isn't prepared to confront the incomprehensible nature of what the average person gets off to. Since time immemorial, normal people have been getting off to weird, gross shit in the privacy of their own heads. With the internet giving us mass, unfiltered access to each others' raw sexual expression, we're all just freaking each other out.
Sorry but this is the opposite of what I’m saying. It is healthy and good and normal to talk about sex. If there is a problem, it’s a structural one to do with the sheer scale of social media platforms and how they make it impossible to create bounded communities.
its worth getting in touch with the things you find embarassing. embarrassment is a way that your desire is othered from your self image. what embarrasses you can reflect the obverse face of latent desire, for instance the threat that it poses to your social capital. so engaging embarrassment can help denaturalise those implicit notions of social capital and reveal that they are coercive
relatedly, it is also an incredibly efficacious method of social control. by constructing social deviants as embarrassing (or cringe, or whatever) other extant possibilities for human interaction are foreclosed on an aesthetic and often uncritical level.
learning to sit with and interrogate your embarrassment with curiosity and an open mind is really important i think.
which is why i told all our mutual friends that youre into petplay. they all think youre a dirty little perv btw
The real question is who are you? What do you mean who am I?
"the inherent divinity of" bro what inherent divinity 😭😭😭 everythings freaking normal