Queer As Folk!AU Blaine is a 17-year-old high-school student who was picked up by Kurt at a club; Blaine is convinced he’s in love, though Kurt hardly feels the same way.
"What? Don’t tell me you’re already having second thoughts."
"Not one."
#1: Kurt Hummel
(via lizinprogress)
You know what absolutely cracks me up about this list? That Brian Kinney is number 3. Because I have a feeling he’d be horrified to know he lost out to Kurt and Blaine who embody just about everything that makes him want to rip his eyes out.
(via poemsingreenink)
You said that your small but charmless studio would have to do until your country manor came along…
Brian Kinney + I only have one question
Emmett Honeycutt “I could be a real man if I wanted to. You know, just lower my voice, stop gesturing with my hands, make sure my face is expressionless. Never, never use words like ‘fabulous’ or ‘divine’. Talk about, I don’t know, nailing bitches and RBIs. But I’d rather my flame burn bright than be some puny little pilot light.”
Can we talk about something else other than sex for just a few minutes?
QAF {Season 3 part 2}
You know it’s time That we grow old and do some shit I like it all that way
One more thing. You don’t kiss anyone else on the mouth but me.
One more thing, Justin. If you’re gonna live in this house, there’s rules you have to obey.