“The writers are very aware of what the fans think”
Yeah… I don’t think so.
1. The writers ARE very aware of what the fans think, and that’s why they don’t like us very much and usually do the opposite of what we want. Because they’re petty and resentful that we criticize their writing, point out their flaws and problematic bullshit.
2. Jensen looks so fucking done, omg, just look at that face, that is not the face of enthusiasm.
3. Did somebody throw a plate of spaghetti? wtf is that shit on the wall?
One thing, Jensen and Jared bb, YOU are not aware of what fans think. Because after the Chad Kennedy thing, remember I asked you about it at ChiCon and you two didn’t even know.
#keptcarefullyinabox #takenoutforscenes #boxofwealthandprivelege #whileSingerkeepstellingyou #allabouthowallfans #arebrofans #alwaysandforever
Jensen had no idea people didn’t like Season 7, Time for a Weddin. So no, they don’t know. But luckily, J2 aren’t the writers and Singer isn’t the only voice.