This week, Gemma outlines The Freelancer Artist’s Food Pyramid.
(noun) This wonderful, untranslatable German word describes the feeling of homesickness for a far away land, a place you have never visited. Do not confuse this with the english word, wanderlust; Fernweh is much more profound, it is the feeling of an unsatisfied urge to escape and discover new places, almost a sort of sadness. You miss a place you have never experienced, as opposed to lusting over it or desiring it like wanderlust. You are seeking freedom and self-discovery, but not a particular home. (via dietcrackcocaine)
I think about you everyday………………………. SIKE! I THINK ABOUT MYSELF 24/7 I LOVE MYSELF
Fact: All pansexuals are actually werewolves, their ability to be attracted to all genders comes with their ability to transform into a wolf at all times. Because of this a pansexual is also at their strongest when it is a full moon.
my mother must be so proud of her lazy, rebellious, anxiety-ridden, depressed, gay child
*sees any animal* me: now thats just the coolest
gay update: still gay
my gender? oh it’s *semi truck horn blares right behind me*
I look so hot out of frame
I’m like a reverse dudebro, I constantly need to reaffirm how queer I am, just in case anyone mistakes me for a heterosexual.
fictional mbti types + intp
I strongly identify with wood elves because I too like to drink wine and talk about how men are failing
note card doodle