#ahsoka tano – @captaingondolin on Tumblr

well, everybody bleeds

@captaingondolin /

icon by rrrainbo | header by vulpesartica they/she | 18+ | writer | podficcer | blanket permission author Gondolin's endless plotbunnies list, all free to adopt! ♥ ask me about podfics! (anon is on if you're shy) ♥
POV: Order 66 never happened, Anakin didn't turn to the Dark Side and Ahsoka ended up rejoining the order a couple of months after the war ended. Now years later they still like to enjoy each other's company as often as possible.

Magic happens when @ahhrenata and I brainstorm. And with that I mean Lauren does Magic. 🥰


This literally Ripped me out of art block hello ????? There’s a few parts of this that are kinda iffy but hella proud of this stfu?2&;!@2!:&3!

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