Experience: Learning the right way to connect the dots.
This is the best representation of something I have been trying to explain to people for years!!!! Saving this to my phone so I can routinely pull it out when I need.
@captain-sassy-socks / captain-sassy-socks.tumblr.com
Experience: Learning the right way to connect the dots.
This is the best representation of something I have been trying to explain to people for years!!!! Saving this to my phone so I can routinely pull it out when I need.
the point of creating is not to create something that has never been done before. it is to take an idea, explain it your way, and put it out there for people who are experiencing that idea for the first time. to those people, your version of The Idea is now their touchstone. they cannot judge you based on what came before, but they may judge all others by you
posted on Kate Bornstein's substack
This is a marathon. Pace yourself, take shortcuts, use whatever helps you, but for the love of fuck don't stop.
People going 'well I always knew this now disgraced person's work was shit' or any more explicit version of mocking and shaming those who were fans can go fuck themselves.
I feel so sorry for everyone who lost not only a public figure they assumed they could trust, but also a supposed ally, and an entire universe of fiction they considered their home.
This has happened before and will happen again, but it's so much worse when it's a person who really gave you a lot of reasons to believe they were decent, and whose art helped you through tough times.
It's not naive to expect someone who has shown you nothing but support and understanding to not secretly be a violent abuser. That's actually the bare minimum we generally assume about every random stranger.
Anyway....no, you weren't stupid for not knowing that someone who really seemed to be a good person and who made beautiful things was lying to the whole world.
literally though if you feel like your life is slipping through your fingers and every day goes too fast… try doing hard things, not just taking the easy route, like reading and making art and exercising and cooking a meal from scratch and journaling, doing these things without distraction, without being absorbed on a screen… the time will stretch and you’ll be reminded that life is long and beautiful if you make it so.
Reblogging this with these tags because oh my goodness
To the person I reblogged this from THANK YOU i am now going to stick this on my pinboard where I’m gonna see it every single day
“Life is long and beautiful if you make it so”
I mean Jesus fucking Christ this is not right
My friend told me the best example to explain the vast difference between a million and a billion
"A million seconds ago was last week. A billion seconds ago we were still dealing with the Soviet union."
This is why when we talk about “rich people” who aren’t paying taxes or who are wasting money, we’re not talking about the person who makes 1 or 2 grains of rice worth of money a year. We’re talking about the person who makes the giant fucking Costco sized pile of rice.
"how to prevent smile lines" there are a thousand more important things to do with your time than postpone evidence of life's joy on your face
i know we're all sick of self-care being a marketing tactic now, but i don't think a lot of us have any other concept of self-care beyond what companies have tried to sell us, so i thought i'd share my favorite self-care hand out
brought to you by how mad i just got at a Target ad
Now THAT’S a self care resource! If you’ve gotten distracted by capitalism’s appropriation of “self-care” and watering the meaning down to nothing this is a super helpful guide to cut through the bullshit.
Settings ➡️ Google ➡️ all services ➡️ Ads ➡️ Delete advertising ID
(may differ slightly depending on android version and manufacturer firmware. you can't just search settings for "advertising ID" of course 🔪)
Settings ➡️ privacy ➡️ tracking ➡️ toggle "allow apps to request to track" to OFF
and ALSO settings ➡️ privacy ➡️ Apple advertising ➡️ toggle "personalized ads" to OFF
more details about the process here via the EFF
"the world isn't kind" ok??? Much more importantly are you?????
"the world isnt kind" skill issue. I am
There's kindness all around you. You just have to look for it on a small scale. Look around you and realize how much is going on in your village/town/city.
There may be people who fix broken electronics for free in the monthly repair cafe. Someone runs an animal shelter. An elderly woman reads to children after school. A young man translates goverment forms and helps immigrants with the bureaucracy.
There are many small acts of kindness everywhere. Remind yourself of their beauty and participate in them. A simple, genuine smile directed at a stranger is a good starting point.
And one more thing: social media and the media in general don't pay much attention to kindness because it doesn't sell. Rage and anger sells and keeps you longer on their website or app and engaged with the topic.
Getting a weird little hobby is actually so important bc it opens your eyes up to the world. You start crocheting or knitting, and now you see scarves and sweaters differently. You try identifying plants, now you’re seeing opposite and alternate leaf pattern. Bird watching? Every chirp draws attention and interest.
Get into weird little hobbies.