Rival Schools: United by Fate known in Japan as Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Legion of Heroes In Japan, Capcom released a PlayStation-exclusive update titled Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Nekketsu Seisyun Nikki 2 ("Private Justice Academy: Hot-Blooded Youthful Diary 2")
Roll artwork created for Club Capcom magazine.
Gun.Smoke promotional artwork by Bengus 1985
Biohazard 2 Special Premiere (excerpts) from the September 15, 1996 issue of V-Jump. This beta would later be known as Biohazard 1.5 after the developers scrapped this version of the game and started over.
Source: twitter.com
Biohazard 2 Special Premiere (excerpts) from the September 15, 1996 issue of V-Jump. This beta would later be known as Biohazard 1.5 after the developers scrapped this version of the game and started over.
Source: twitter.com
Ken and Eliza
Maki, Final Fight 2 trading card
Final Fight SNES instruction manual
Roxy, Final Fight
Street Fighter III prototype characters
Street Fighter III concept art by Daigo Ikeno