likeabookonashelf requested: AU gifset of River being in the 50th with Rose/Ten/Eleven/Clara.
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canyousonicme reblogged
I've got pictures of all your faces. You never show up in the right order, though.
canyousonicme reblogged
Before your eyes you held steady the image of what you wanted me to become: living again. It was this hope of yours that kept me following. I was your hallucination, listening and floral, and you were singing me: already new skin was forming on me within the luminous misty shroud of my other body; already there was dirt on my hands and I was thirsty. [x]
canyousonicme reblogged
The newest episode was rather good, but just -
I mean the show’s treatment/negligence towards River Song is criminal at this point. Her knowing the Doctor’s name was something intrinsically special to her and her alone. Her gaining the Doctor’s full trust by whispering it in his ear, “River,...