Look at this precious baby I met yesterday! He was so soft… It was like petting a happy cloud…
Can we take a moment to appreciate the massive selection of vegan ice cream that now exists at Whole Foods. Times are changing.
Amber Rose arrives in Toronto
God please bring this back
It ain’t coming back 😒 remember when they were all “YAS time for us niggas to where crop tops summer 2k15 here we come” and what happened during summer 2k15. Absolutely nothing, I saw nary a belly button 🙃
All summer sixteen ? 😁😁
@blasian-aesthetics pls do this your mid drift is 👅👅👅👅😭😭😭😭
Constantly torn between ‘I wanna look hot naked’ and ‘treat yo self.’
triple text me when i’m not replying so i know ur feelin’ me
get naked
how do you respond to people who say we're "meant to be" omnivores? i'm a vegetarian (going vegan probably? i mostly am already haha) and my dad keeps arguing that it's unhealthy and we're not supposed to eat that way
If your dad is arguing from an evolutionary standpoint, then technically we’re “meant to” hunt and kill our own food (which VERY few people do). We’re “meant to” eat only the foods local to our geographic region. We’re not “meant to” destroy the earth for its resources so we can build more and more technology. We’re not “meant to” raise animals in pens where they can’t walk 3 steps ever in their life.
No one knows the meaning of life, and claiming that it is to eat animals is moronic.