Deutsche Vokabeln von H2O - Plötzlich Meerjungfrau (H2O- Just Add Water)
Hallo ihr Lieben,
I am back with another Deutsche Vokabeln Liste from H2O Just Add Water. I’ve been watching H2O Just Add Water on Youtube (Throwback I Know :) ) in German. I’ve been forcing myself to watch it without subtitles and surprisingly, I can understand most of it! (*mini dance*) However, I still have a lot to improve on!
I remember H2O being on TV when I was younger but I never used to watch it. I’ve been watching the third season (mein Favorit ist die dritte Staffel, weil ich Bella und Will liebe) and there is actually SO MUCH DRAMA (I actually can’t even with the drama- it gives me heart palpitations). Anyway, that’s enough from me! Here is some German vocab I collected! I highly recommend watching H2O if you are learning German- it’s amazing how much you pick up from watching TV shows in a foreign language! I linked it up above!
Verben (Verbs) : bluten - to bleed verschwinden - to disappear schneiden - to cut lügen - to lie küssen - to kiss tauchen - to dive schwimmen - to swim verabreden - to arrange retten - to save brennen - to burn klären - to solve [Problem, Missverständnis] erreichen - to achieve schätzen - to treasure abladen - to unload Adjektive (Adjectives) : gefälscht - fake persönlich - personal vorsichtig - careful vulkanisch - volcanic magnetisch - magnetic
Substantive (nouns): Der Vollmond - the Full Moon Der Kristall - the Crystal Der Bescheid - the Decision Die Katastrophe - the Catastrophe Die Meerjungfrau - The Mermaid Die Kasten - the box Die Stellung - the position Die Gelegenheit - the opportunity Die Regel - the Rule Die Tentakel - the Tentacles Das Bord - the Shelf Das Boot - the Boat Das Geheimnis - the Secret Das Mondgestein - the Moon Stone
Weiter / Sätze (other / phrases): Am Strand - at the beach In lebensgefahr - life in danger Stehen unter Druck - to be under pressure