#germany – @byaliciagrace on Tumblr


@byaliciagrace /

♡ Langblr | Studyblr | Med Student ♡
Currently Learning: German + Chinese + Cantonese &⚕
Tracking #byaliciagrace | Instagram: @byaliciagrace

Updating Meine Deutsche Playlist on Spotify

Deutsche Musik always puts me in such a good mood and also realigns my focus to my goals. It’s such a good motivator to fall even more in love with the language and culture.  Anyone have any recommendations?? Comment below or share your plyalist! Follow my playlist! 


Frauenrechte und Gleichberechtigung deutsche Vokabeln

Hallo German Study Buddies, I recently completed a topic about Gleichberechtigung zwischen Frauen und Männern (Equality between women and men) and I thought I would share some vocabulary.

This has honestly been the most interesting topic I’ve learnt about in German because I actually got to gain a deeper insight into the oppression of women in developing countries, whilst expanding my German vocabulary to be able to talk about these deep and contemporary issues! 


Zitat / Quote : Bildung für Frauen bedeutet es wird mit der Menschheit aufwärts gehen. 

Nouns: der Ehrenmord – the honour killing der Aktivist / die Aktivistin – the activist der Mangel an Bildung – the lack of education der Respekt vor Frauen – the respect for women der Sexismus – the sexism die Gleichberechtigung – the equality die Ermächtigung – the empowerment die Diskriminierung gegen Frauen – the discrimination against women die Kinderbetreuung – the care of children die Vergewaltigung – the rape die häusliche Gewalt – the domestic violence die sexistische Einstellung – the sexist attitude die Gewalt gegen Mädchen – the violence against girls die Zwangsehe – the arranged marriage die Ehre – the honour die Unterdrückung – the oppression die klassische Rollenverteilung – the classic sharing of roles die abfälligen Kommentare – the derogatory comments die Aufstiegschancen – the opportunities to be promoted die Mutterrolle – the role as a mother die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf – the compatibility of family and a career das Frauenrecht – the woman’s right das heikle Thema – a controversial topic das veraltete Rollenbild – the old stereotype das Recht auf Bildung – the right for education 

Adjetives: empörend – outrageous   drigend – urgent  grausam – cruel  alarmierend – alarming  engstirnig – narrow-minded  bedenklich – worrying / questionable  gleichberechtigt – equal der unterschwillige Sexismus – the subtle sexism 

Phrases: Es muss aufhören – it needs to stop mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen – to lead with a good example gegen ihren Willen – against their will   

Sentences / Quotes: Bildung ist der einzige Weg aus der Dunkelheit – education is the only way out of the darkness  Das Rollenbild, das Frauen vor allem verantwortlich nur für die Familie und Kinder, muss noch weiter in der Zukunft überdacht werden – The stereotype that women are responsible above all for the family and the children, needs to be reconsidered in the future. Frauen werden wie Menschen zweiter Klasse behandelt. – Women are treated like second class citizens   Frauen sind genau so geeignet. – Women are just as equiped Frauen werden als Objekte betrachtet. – Women are objectified Frauen werden wertgeschätzt. – Women are valued Frauen werden unterschätzt. – Women are undervalued Frauen könnten neben der Kinderbetreuung eine Karriere schaffen - Women could also have a career alongside taking care of children Wir müssen Leute ermutigen, mehr zu tun und engagierter zu sein. - We need to encourage people to do more and be more engaged

EDITED x Thank you to everyone who’s helped me with edits! 



der Ausstoß - the emission der Ritter - the knight der Folterturm - the torture tower der Wappen - the crest  der Herzog / in - the Duke / Duchess der Graben - the ditch  der Rahm - the cream die Verteidigung - the defence die Ehe - the marriage die Zugbrücke - the drawbridge die Tafel - the blackboard  die Maustelle - the toll die Dämmerung - the dawn das Ausmaß - the extent das Gefängnis - the prison

verhaften - to arrest abschrecken - to scare 

bisherig - previous inwiefern - how  reibungslos - frictionless umfangreich - enormous

I visited the Burghausen Castle that day! Hence the medieval type words. <3 


Deutschland, ich vermisse dich 🇩🇪 ich vermisse nicht nur die freundliche Leute, die unterschiedliche Kultur, die schöne Aussichten sondern auch die Stimmung ❤️


Germany, oh how I miss you. I mean just look at how gorgeous that is! I miss the amazing people, the different culture, the beautiful views and the atmosphere! Take me back please ❤️




DAY 2 Let’s Go! I’ve got to admit it’s nerve-wracking speaking your target language to native speakers. Despite my nerves, I’m pushing myself as hard as I can to speak as much German as I can. Here is my Vocabulary list for day 2: PS: as you can see I spent most of day 2 in school, hence the many technical terms.

die Aula - the assembly hall die Belastung - the burden der Schluckvorgang - the swallow path die Abbildung - the map (diagram) der Zugang - the entrance der Vorgang - the path die Flüssigkeiten - liquids die Periode - the period die Zellen - the cells die Kündigung - dismissal das Parkett - the stalls die Frist - the deadline der Zutritt - access die Obdachlose - homeless vermitteln - mediate

beeinflüssen - to impact / influence vermüllen - to litter sth.  durchfeuchten - to soak reinigen - to clean entfallen - cancel

gerichtfetigt - justified erhebliche - considerable knöcheltief - ankle-deep 

Es gibt ein Unterschied zwischen ... und ... - There is a difference between ... and ... .  Das hat gut geschmeckt. - That tastes delicious. Mir ist schwindlig - I am dizzy.  Ich fühle mich nicht wohl - I don’t feel good.



Here is the Vocabulary I collected on the first day of Germany! Just some context: I’m currently in Straubing, Germany and I’m doing an exchange program to improve my German.

der Kreisförmigen Funktion - the circular function der Aufenthalt - the stay die Kreide - the chalk der Geldautomat - the atm machine die Metzgerei - the butcher der Nebel - the fog die Pute - the turkey der Zwischenstecker - the adaptor der Kaktus - the cactus der elektrische Anschluß - the powerpoint

freihalten - keep clear

eigenartig - strange hügelig - hilly

stimmt so -keep the change das wäre toll - that would be great das würde Spaß machen - that would be fun

Photos are from my first day here in Germany! xx


D E U T S C H L A N D A U S T A U S C H Hey guys!! So I’m currently in Germany! It is my first time in Germany and I’m here on a learning exchange program. I’ve been speaking German the whole time here and it’s amazing to see the differences between Melbourne and Germany. Hopefully I’ll improve my German by miles. I’ve already gotten a lot more confident in speaking. I’m so so blessed to be able to have this experience and I can’t wait to share all the new vocabulary and words I learn on this trip! Til next time xx


My German Playlist:

I’ve always believed that the best way to learn a language is to expose one’s self to media in your target language. Whether that be youtube videos, movies, TV-Shows or even music, a little bit of exposure can go a long way and it’s amazing to see how much of the language you can pick up! 

I’ve been exposing myself to A LOT of German media and one thing that I’ve recently collected are some German songs. There are actually quite a lot of good German music out there, you just have to look! I thought I would share my German playlist here and help you guys add some music listening to your german-learning routines!

I hope you like my music (don’t judge my taste :) )! There is music from rap to the latest German hits to dubstep! Hopefully, you’ll be able to find at least one good song in my playlist! My playlist is called “Luftkuss” and it is on Spotify! 

I need to add more German music so tell me if you have any recommendations!

Lots of love xx


Deutsche Vokabeln von H2O - Plötzlich Meerjungfrau (H2O- Just Add Water)

Hallo ihr Lieben,

I am back with another Deutsche Vokabeln Liste from H2O Just Add Water. I’ve been watching H2O Just Add Water on Youtube (Throwback I Know :) ) in German. I’ve been forcing myself to watch it without subtitles and surprisingly, I can understand most of it! (*mini dance*) However, I still have a lot to improve on!

I remember H2O being on TV when I was younger but I never used to watch it. I’ve been watching the third season (mein Favorit ist die dritte Staffel, weil ich Bella und Will liebe) and there is actually SO MUCH DRAMA (I actually can’t even with the drama- it gives me heart palpitations). Anyway, that’s enough from me! Here is some German vocab I collected! I highly recommend watching H2O if you are learning German- it’s amazing how much you pick up from watching TV shows in a foreign language! I linked it up above!

Verben (Verbs) : bluten - to bleed verschwinden - to disappear schneiden - to cut lügen - to lie küssen - to kiss tauchen - to dive schwimmen - to swim verabreden - to arrange retten - to save brennen - to burn klären - to solve [Problem, Missverständnis] erreichen - to achieve schätzen - to treasure abladen - to unload Adjektive (Adjectives) : gefälscht - fake persönlich - personal vorsichtig - careful vulkanisch - volcanic magnetisch - magnetic

Substantive (nouns): Der Vollmond - the Full Moon  Der Kristall - the Crystal Der Bescheid - the Decision Die Katastrophe - the Catastrophe  Die Meerjungfrau - The Mermaid Die Kasten - the box Die Stellung - the position Die Gelegenheit - the opportunity Die Regel - the Rule Die Tentakel - the Tentacles Das Bord - the Shelf Das Boot - the Boat Das Geheimnis - the Secret Das Mondgestein - the Moon Stone

Weiter / Sätze (other / phrases): Am Strand - at the beach In lebensgefahr - life in danger Stehen unter Druck - to be under pressure


ATTENTION German Learners / Langblrs

Reblog if you are a German language learner! I would love to meet and talk to more learners! I think a vital part of learning a language is connecting with others and learning from them! I’ve seen and talked to some German learners on Tumblr but I would love to know more of you guys! Let’s grow the German Learning Comunity ❤💛

If you need any German help, check out some of my favorite German blogs because they have helped me! :) @suplanguages @languagesandlinguistics @gofod-alle-rymd @mutant-german​


Deutsche Vokabeln von Riverdale : German Vocabulary from Riverdale

Verben (Verbs):  Bedrohen - to threaten Auftreten - to occur Versprechen - to promise Entlassen - to discharge somebody Unterhalten - to entertain Tränen - to water (of eyes) Überzeugen - to convince Beobachten - to observe Veranlassen - to prompt Bedeauern - to regret Ausbreiten - to spread

Adjektive (Adjetives): Wehmütig - wistful Schaurig - scary Schuldig - guilty Lediglich - merely Ikonisch - iconic

Substantive (Nouns): Der Drogengeschäft - the drug business Der Gevater Tod - the grim reaper Der Spind - the locker Der Versuch - the attempt Der Held - the hero Die Petze - the snitch Die Entführung - the abduction  Die Formalitäten - the formalities Die Pflegefamilie - the foster family Die Schlangen - the serpents  Die Kantine - the canteen Die Seelenverwandte - the soulmates Die Geheimnisse - the secrets Die Sprühfarbe - the spray paint  Die Drohung - the threat Das Jubiläum - the Jubilee / anniversary Das Verbrechen - the criminal offense  Das Sozialamt - the welfare agency 

Weiter / Sätze (other / phrases): Von Schuld und Scham - of guilt and shame Die Wahrheit zu enthüllen - to reveal the truth  Folgendes - the following… Mein Schatz - my dearest  Ich hatte kein Recht - I had no right Im Gefängnis sein - to be in prison Hier ist die neueste - here is the latest Nur eine Fassade - Just a facade Enthüllen - to expose / reveal (truth, facts or identity) Seine Spuren verwischen - to cover one’s tracks 


Handy und Soziale Medien Vokabeln : German Vocab on Phones and Social Media

As promised, here is a list of some of the vocabulary you may find when you change your phone to German! I’ve actually gained so much from just changing the language on my phone to German. Hope this vocabulary list helps!

Verbs: bearbeiten - to edit löschen - to delete abbrechen - to cancel anmelden - to log in abmelden - to log out eingeben - to enter (password) verbunden - to connect bloggen - to blog suchen - to search abonnieren - to subscribe herunterladen - to download

Nouns: Der Kommentar - the comments Der Beitrag - the post Der Anhang - the attachment Die Fotografie - the photograph Die Einstellungen - the settings Die Internetverbindung - the internet connection Die Seite - the site Die Email - the email Die Nachrichten - the news / messages Die Bilder - the photos Die Mitteilungen - the messages Das Iphone - the iPhone Das Ladegerät - the charger Das Video - the video Das Netz - the network Das Telefon - the telephone

Phrases/Other: Jack folgt dir jetzt: - Jack now follows you Molly hat dich in einem Kommentar erwähnt: - Molly has mentioned you in a comment Die Batterie fast leer - The battery is almost dead Hannah gefällt dein Beitrag - Hannah liked your post Gefällt -- mal -  -- likes (usually featured on a bottom of a social media post)


German Tips 101:

Today, I thought I would share with everyone a little German tip I learnt whilst learning German! I think I’m going to make this a thing on here, where I share some of my German tips!


Tip #1: The first one I want to share is to change your phone’s language into German. 


How to:

For iPhone: Go to the settings app>general>language & region> device language>select desired language 

For Android:  Go to the settings app>general>language & input > language >select desired language


It’s actually kind of amazing how much you absorb by changing your phone’s language. Almost everything changes to German, except for posts that have originally been posted in English. Perhaps, I’ll do a German vocab list with all the vocabulary I’ve learnt from changing my phone to German! 


The 100 Vokabeln: Vocabulary from The 100

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE 100 ! It’s been my new obsession for a while. I normally watch it mit Deutschen Untertitel (German Subs) and I thought I would share with you some of the vocab I grabbed from the show! Do you like The 100? I need more people to fangirl with! 

Verbs: überleben - to survive ruinieren - to ruin / wreck befehlen - to command beschleunigen - to accelerate versorgen - to provide / supply unterbrechen - to interrupt (a conversation) rationieren - to ration (food) ernähren - to nourish drängen - to urge drücken - to push (a button) schweben - to hover schaffen - to accomplish / complete

Adjectives: Freiwillig- voluntarily Undankbar - ungrateful Erforderlich - necessary Krass - stark Verbunden - related

Nouns: Der Weltuntergang - the end of the World Der Turm - the tower Der Ratschlang - the advice Der Sauerstoff - the Oxygen Die Kompatibilität - the compatibility Die Hoffnung  - the hope Die Beerdigung - the funeral Die Schwierigkeit - the difficulty Die Strahlung - the radiation Die Lösung - the solution Die Vorahnung - the premonition Die Menschlichen Rassen - the human race Das Funkgerät - the radio Das Oxymoron - the Oxymoron

Phrases / Other: Bisher bei The 100 - previously on the 100 Mögen wir uns Wiedersehen - May we meet again Komm schon - Come on Laut unserer…- according to our… Die Uhr tickt - The time is ticking. (tick tack) -  tick tock Rennt die Zeit davon - Running out of time Das ist kein Geheimnis. - That is no secret.

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