[Image description: text reads "I ordered a burger and told my waiter 'for every pickle I receive, I will destroy a city'. He returned with this and said 'My least favorite places'." This is followed by a photo of a plate with three pickle slices and a note reading "Silstee, Texas; Channelmew, Texas; Odessa, Texas." End ID]
you are not immune to propaganda
Propaganda works both ways
I really do think about the editing of this video all the time
in the topic of world heritage posts
How do you feel about pickles?
My mom used to buy those huge jars full of giant pickles. These guys:
When I was 3 years old, I got into the fridge, somehow got into a brand new jar (we have no idea how) and ate every single pickle and drank all the juice.
Ignoring how I opened the jar or fit that many pickles into my toddler stomach, my mom scolded me and told me other people have a right to pickles too. She said I can’t eat ALL of one item in the fridge.
She replaced the jar, and I got THAT one open too, I removed a single pickle and set it aside, and I ate all the others, drank all the juice, and stuck the single sad lone pickle back into the empty jar.
My dad Never got over this. He brought it up any chance he got.
I like pickles though yeah.
choose your friends carefully
Luv pickles
looks like you’re in a pickle