thinking about I am always glad when the astronauts are safely back to earth so I would appreciate a call when you are back home
It was starting to get dark, but he wanted to reach Clarksburg if possible, which would still give him three hundred miles to cover to get home. His luck was in, and Winters got another ride. Winters recalled that the driver was a “nice enough looking fellow” and a good conversationalist. Until he laid his hand on Winters’ leg. “We can find a nice hotel up ahead and have a good dinner,” the man said. “Then I can make you feel happy.”
“Here’s a better idea,” Winters said, lifting the man’s hand away. “Do you see that crossroad up ahead? I’ll be happy if you just stop right there so I can get out.” The man didn’t argue and Winters found himself standing alone on a dark highway in the West Virginia mountains, miserable, cold and somewhat shaken by his unfamiliar experience with the car driver.
~ Larry Alexander
What did he mean by this
Tumblr is just a nice little place where you can take off your ‘real person’ face and roll around in piles of garbage tailored to your unhinged hyperfocus five minutes before you stand up and go back to your zoom meeting
lewis nixon + looking like a goddamn disney prince
“Nixon was a hard drinker, a free spirit who enjoyed the wild life and partied with the best of them.”