@brodyliciousbooty on Tumblr

Booty Heard Around the World

@brodyliciousbooty /

brodylicious: 24/7 | 31 | He/Him |

Being 30 is fun. I was discussing anime with a teen at work and asked her how much of bnha she had watched. She had trouble answering and wasn't sure how to approach it. I said "better question was who was your husbando" and she turned bright red before mumbling an answer. They never expect me to know how deep their love of anime boys runs....

One time she said she used to be into BL and another employee down the hall asked what BL was and I yelled back "ITS YAOI" which reduced the teen to yelling "ITS SOFTCORE! SOFT CORE!!" So I yelled back "ITS SOFTCORE YAOI" anyway I get why dads are like that now


Finished is better than perfect ... take this.

[ grusha + hassel pokemon - dragonspeakshipping ]

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