@bringingsaxyback on Tumblr

yew shrub rejuvination in progress

@bringingsaxyback /

mallory// @rnallory_h
they/them//27//teacher->grad student

Just tried to play an ancient flute and it started filling the room with this awful miasma that wont go away


hi im your cat do you mind if i touch your coffee. do you mind if i put my whole foot in your coffee


every new year since 2017 I make a playlist that obvs starts with “this year” by tmg and I absolutely must make it on 12/31 and 1/1 or it’s not right. it’s like a little time capsule and sometimes I listen to previous years and am surprised by songs that I still listen to or reminded of ones I’ve forgotten. there are two years that I inexplicably did not do this and they were some of the worst years of my life

I am not often superstitious or believe in like magical thinking or w/e but i’ve been looking forward to this new year for months so I can fix my life and start over again <3


Having "a lot" of followers on tumblr is funny because probably 80% of them are ghost blogs who haven't been on here in like a decade.

It's like, no no, those aren't my followers, that's a graveyard! I'm the caretaker of a thousands of tombs. I love them, but they've been dead for seven years.


The irony of doing deforestation in a land that already has nearly no forests, only to place some giant bird-killing things there in the name of “green energy.” Don’t let me even get started about how much harmful manufacturing processes need to take place to make wind turbines.


>the trees that were cut down were a commercial crop that would have been cut down regardless

>this was over a 20 year period that they planted 272 million more trees

>That 14 million is less than 1% of the total woodland area in scotland

why do these types even use the internet anyway


Also, scottlands peat bogs are excellent at carbon sequestration, and misguided attempts at “"reforesting”“ the peat bogs back in the 80s and 90s resulted in hundreds of thousands of failed trees and destroyed the actual natural habitat of peat and heath.


Hello internet user whose entire concept of feminism comes from tiktok. In front of you are three ancient myths about women. You have five minutes to figure out which one of them was made up in the 1970s. If you choose wrong, you will be ripped to pieces by Maenads.

Okay since everyone wants the test, instead of giving you three myths here’s several myths. One of them is a real Greek myth with sources of it from ancient times and the rest of them are fake. One of the misconceptions was specifically invented in the 70s.

1. In every version of the myth, Medusa is born a human and Athena turns her into a monster

2. Hestia, goddess of the hearth and family, willingly gave up her place as the 12th Olympian to make room for Dionysus

3. Persephone chose Hades and wandered into the underworld of her own free will

4. Pandora didn’t know what was in her jar and unleashed evils on humanity by accident

5. During the voyage of the Argonauts the huntress Atalanta beat the hero Peleus the father of Achilles in a wrestling match

6. King Midas of Phrygia decided to give up his golden touch after turning his daughter to gold

7. Aphrodite was widely worshipped as a war goddess in Greece

lmao I promise you that only one of these is real.

Hiding the answers under a cut in case you wanna guess on your own.

Explanations for all of them, again under a cut.

Guys this post isn't about neo-pagans and a lot of you are reading this as me hating new retellings or something. I have nothing against any of these stories. I just get frustrated when people "well actually" me about the "original" version of a myth when they have no sources for what they're saying. These stories not being exactly the way you thought they were doesn't have to mean anything. It's fine.


i should get a special treat whenever i successfully “i have food at home” myself. a treat like a special snack i do not have at home.

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