the thing about house md is that house is attracted to men but would never admit that, not because hes ashamed or repressed, but because if that fact became known chase specifically would start being really weird about it and would start awkwardly saying "or ... it could be hiv?" during differentials because he thinks its inclusive to suggest it
all quiet in a western font
loving all the pain and resignation this is causing, judging from the notes
the white house is now so right wing, the GOP turtle man is by default on "our side." Trump's only response to this so far is to insinuate he's lying about the polio. Classy!
Huge thanks to Richard of the Order of the Blade for throwing me around!
(If you’re in the UK, consider checking them out! The order are a combat school with a really fun and welcoming ethos)
And as always, more bows, swords, and nonesense on Patreon
New aesthetic: Arctic hares when they're coat is only half done shedding and they look a little fucked up
My god it would be so satisfying to pluck them...
it sucks that even todo lists get affected by the adhd 'absorption of stationary objects into their environment thus leading to effective invisibility' thing
yeah my to-do list is empty. what do you mean "what about those five items?" those are just part of the ui obviously
- There is no shame in taking a few tries to get it right
- Everyone struggles with fine motor skills from time to time
- I can do fine motor activities
- I can locate a port and plug in a cable
- I can plug my phone in on the first try
- I can plug my phone in while sober
- BBC Sherlock does not exist
- I can do hard things
Amazing pottery skills
This is the most technically proficient pottery throwing I've ever seen. The economy of motion? Literally everything in one pull, one squeeze. Absolutely no even minor touch ups required. This shit is like watching a skilled magician even as someone who knows how to throw on the wheel. I am watching this the way that someone who is great at a few card tricks watches Penn and Teller.
Parks patron: hey what are you gonna do about that graffiti?
Me: it's on the side of a business building, so the business owner has to take initiative
Patron: but it's visible from the trails!
Me: it is not on our property, so it falls on the owner of the business.
Patron: don't you have a graffiti task force?
Me: no, sir.
Patron: when I lived in Georgia we had a graffiti task force that would take care of that.
Me: we do not have that here.
Patron: you'd think the parks and rec people would take care of graffiti in their parks.
Me: we do. This is not on a park. It is on a business.
Patron: you see, there is also a sticker.
I'm sorry, is the sticker menacing you somehow? Is it scary? Are you being threatened by the vinyl?
Like I'm not saying it's great art
It's fucking ugly.
But also what you want me to do about it? Spend a day scraping it off the side a building whose owner is famously difficult to get ahold of?
Truthfully, the skateboarders that made it have been adding to it every few months and I kind of want to see where they go with it.
we need block appeal on this site i need to be able to argue my merit to people who hate me for one (1) thing i said so that i can reblog their good posts
me, kneeling before the person who blocked me: please, god king, ruler of these sacred lands, i do not even know your quarrel with me, but i humbly request the ability to reblog your joke posts once more
the person who blocked me: your takes on solavellan displeased me.
me: twas mere frustration! a criticism of those unhinged few, liege. i have no quarrel with the likes of you, and wish only to show fealty by reblogging your meta posts with the tag "scrumptious", or perhaps even "SOOOOOOO TRUE!"
the person who blocked me: alas, this is a sin that i cannot forgive you for. leave these lands and never return, for your ilk are not welcome here.
me: very well. then you understand i must reply to your slight in kind.
the person who blocked me: aye. such as it must be.
me, hitting the block button on the way out: may our paths never cross again, warmonger.
this is the funniest possible outcome of this post
checking the notes app once in a while to see what you had forgotten that you wrote down is worth it 100%
scientists are in labs right now creating the thinnest and worst material known to mankind so they can make women’s clothing
Technically they're using it for bandages. For now.
Quote from the article
The resulting “nanopasta” can then be spun into a tiny mat about 2 centimetres across. While it isn’t intended as food, Clancy says that it should be safe to eat, but is reticent to talk about having tried it. “It’s an ethical quandary to talk about scientific self-experimentation,” he says. “But, hypothetically, one might expect it to be chewier than you’d expect.”
Oh he's definitely eating it
it's not mentioned in the song but in the corner of the piano man bar there is a mouse hole and inside that hole is a smaller replica of the bar staffed and patronized by mice who perfectly mirror all of the characters and they all say squeak us a song you're the piano mouse and mouse what are you doing here while they put cheese in his tiny jar