Look at how lush this finished and caked handspun is. 😍♥️🧶
IG: thewellandspindle for more!’
@briarsandbramble / briarsandbramble.tumblr.com
Look at how lush this finished and caked handspun is. 😍♥️🧶
IG: thewellandspindle for more!’
My first time using my Lazy Kate! I can’t wait to ply this! Any bits that turn into a 2 ply only or end up a single go into my packaging for my shop! I wrap every order in tissue with handspun yarn to tie it! 🧶
My first spun single on my spinning wheel! 😍 Along with the pieces that got messed up. 😩 I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do with it yet so I’m going to start spinning something else. 😅
How an altar cloth changes the whole vibe. 🙌🏻 This is where I wind up my yarn and a handspun cloth seemed like the perfect fit. It really brings it together. This is a personal piece but I’ll be making these for the shop from both handspun and store bought yarns. 🖤
Spinning is magic. When you first learn you quite literally drop your spindle if you’re using one. You essentially stumble and fall but pick up (literally) and keep going. You learn to transform what looks like a mess of fluff into strong beautiful threads. These can go on to be used in endless ways. Mundane and magical. The more you spin the more of a second nature it becomes until you’re walking, talking, dancing, swaying, humming, singing and all sorts of other things while you work. You can ritualize these movements and such to pour your magic in and/or use it to build the momentum you desire up. You can trap and transform, capture or create. Many witches and magically minded folk I know view the spindle as archaic and don’t use the symbolism or physical creation in their work. Or they prefer the wheel and show images of their gods at work at one in clothing worn centuries before its creation. Why is it forgotten? Others like myself place theirs on the altar or in a place of special care. A tool of pride that we learn has more uses than we thought. I’ve only been spinning for a few years and using my threads magically for less than the time it took me to learn but I’m hoping to share my personal views and experiences on their place in witchcraft and religion today. Or what I hope it will be. Stay tuned. ✨
Small baby project on this emotionally tiring day. 🖤 The wood is Rowan we collected and the yarn is hand spun Border Leicester and Charollais. 🍃
My “Tree Agate” yarn is all dry and ready to crochet! 🌿
This isn’t washed & set yet but I caked it already to make it easier to add onto my yarn swift later. I am a little over halfway done plying now! I think I’m going to call this: “Tree Agate.” Doesn’t it resemble it? 😍
4oz of single spun undyed Charollais I finished today on one of my drop spindles. Going to ply this with some Border Leicester that is an earthy green hue. 🖤🐑🌈