My friend commissioned this piece for her eldest daughter late last month! It took some searching to get the perfect beads but I finished it yesterday! It’s a gift for a transition in their kids life. I absolutely love how caring and thoughtful they are as a parent and I hope they love it! 💜
This beautiful hand knotted necklace was crafted using a double terminated aquamarine pendant and a mix of polished and matte apatite, green calcite, hematite and green moonstone beads. All on strong black nylon cord.
💠AQUAMARINE is known as a stone of serenity. It is known to be good for calling on your courage, increasing psychic abilities, reducing stress, soothing those overloaded with responsibilities, connecting with sea deities and purification among other things.
💙APATITE is often used for easing frustration, stress, confusion and irritability. It is also used for stimulating and expanding the mind, activating psychic abilities, easing grief and woes and more.
💚GREEN CALCITE is typically used for creating positive changes and renewing vigor in ones purpose. It is also soothing, used for breaking up old patterns and unwanted habits, increasing compassion, healing and more.
🤍GREEN MOONSTONE is an uncommon form of moonstone and is considered to be good for working with goddess energy, emotional healing and balance, intuition, stress relief, working magic, matters of the heart and helpful when seeking out the mysteries.
🖤HEMATITE is known for drawing out negative energies and also grounding whoever wears or utilizes it. It’s also said to be good for boosting confidence, balancing energies and protection.
For more information and to purchase visit:
This soothing and lovely hand knotted necklace was crafted using a double terminated aquamarine pendant and a mix of green calcite and green moonstone beads with silver toned glass beads intermixed. All on strong white nylon cord with a fish hook clasp.
💠AQUAMARINE is known as a stone of serenity. It is known to be good for calling on your courage, increasing psychic abilities, reducing stress, soothing those overloaded with responsibilities, connecting with sea deities and purification among other things.
💚GREEN CALCITE is typically used for creating positive changes and renewing vigor in ones purpose. It is also soothing, used for breaking up old patterns and unwanted habits, increasing compassion, healing and more.
🤍GREEN MOONSTONE is an uncommon form of moonstone and is considered to be good for working with goddess energy, emotional healing and balance, intuition, stress relief, working magic, matters of the heart and helpful when seeking out the mysteries.
Visit for more information and to purchase! 🌙