🌟Noldor ladies🌟
Nerdanel Anaire
Irime Findis
Idril Aredhel Galadriel
Celebrian Finduilas
🌟Noldor ladies🌟
Nerdanel Anaire
Irime Findis
Idril Aredhel Galadriel
Celebrian Finduilas
elladan has Opinions about aragorn's elessar outfit
(btw arwen & elladan have silver hair in this one bc of their treelight hair thing)
Arwen Undómiel
I don’t know how it has taken me this long to realise this, but Aragorn isn’t Arwen’s only first cousin in LOTR. Most of the humans in LOTR are Arwen’s first cousin.
Arwen’s uncle is Elros, any of his descendants are Arwen’s first cousin x number of times removed. Since the distinction between Elrosian and non-Elrosian Númenorians disappeared by the fall of Númenor, and how long Númenor was around all Númenorians must be descended from Elros.
Therefore, any of Númenorian descent are Arwen’s first cousin, this makes Aragorn, Denethor, Imrahil, Boromir, Faramir, Halbarad and all of the Grey Company her first cousin.
Théoden’s mother was Morwen Steelsheen, who was of Númenorian descent, so Theoden, Théodred, Éowyn and Éomer are also her first cousin.
Three of the Ringwraiths, including probably the Witch King are Númenorian, as is possibly the mouth of Sauron, so they are also her first cousin.
Gondor, Arnor and Umbar also likely have a fair amount of Númenorian ancestry, so most of the humans there are also probably her first cousin, certainly the main Gondorian nobles. It’s entirely possible given the time span involved that everyone in these regions is her first cousin, maybe even among the Haradrim as well given their relations with Umbar.
I’ve honestly just realised this and I have no idea what to do with this information.