What if I say that the fact people think Jews are white is exactly the proof that the holocaust isn't taken seriously or taught about correctly
The problem with the way the Holocaust is discussed is the characterization of Nazis as uniquely evil.
They are portrayed as sadistic monsters that regular people were disgusted by but were cowered into compliance by force. The alternate narrative is that regular people just didn’t know it was happening.
That is not what happened.
Nazis were regular people who believed what they were doing was justified because Jews were the problem.
The majority of Americans and Europeans were antisemitic to some degree. Even those who didn’t participate still harbored animosity toward Jews.
FDR was notably not antisemitic but didn’t express it publicly because of the prevailing sentiment.
His sole act of support for European Jews was allowing those already on a visa in the US to stay during the war. Privately he said he couldn’t in good conscience send them back to murdered. He didn’t however, approve new visas.
Instead of Anne Frank’s Diary, Banality of Evil should be required reading.
The unique horror of the Holocaust is that regular people operated an industrial murder system.
What scares Jews like me is that we know at any time it can happen again. We see it unfolding now.
On a tangential note
We’re a generation removed from the adults who lived through the 1930’s and 40’s. It’s different when it lives in the consciousness of the time. There are things you can’t truly comprehend unless you live through them.
I see it now in the generational divide between people who were old enough to understand 9/11 when it happened and those who weren’t born yet.
For everyone else, it’s just history. As Jews, when we teach our children about the Holocaust and antisemitism, it is as a matter of survival. It’s not a lesson in a book, it’s the fabric of our family story.