#ben whishaw – @boykeats on Tumblr

but the white raspberries are ripe

@boykeats /

Keaton / 20s / Gay trans poet man / He/him / "Happiness, when it's done right, is a kind of holiness" --Mary Oliver
Every year on Christmas Day I get very lonely. An incredible feeling of solitude. On this day, everything has stood still, even the trees have stopped rustling, but I’m still moving, I want to move, but I have nothing to move to, and nowhere to go. The scars beneath my skin suddenly surface and I get scared. Scared of being alone. 
Lilting  •  Hong Khaou, 2014

Are you an animal person? Norman Scott seems to be. Did you have to deal with lots of animals on set? 

Yes I love animals, I’ve loved that part of it. There was Bella who plays Mrs Tish, who is the first dog that Norman has and she is a very clever little dog. Very well behaved and a very good little actor – for the most part. She gets a bit sleepy at a certain point of the day… [X]


He’s effeminate, and therefore we think he’s weak. But that man sits in pubs and clubs and houses and hotels telling all the world about his homosexuality. Out loud! All day long! Doesn’t bother him who’s listening—priests, or housewives, or landlords, or anyone. He tells the truth, and doesn’t care. No one else does that, Jeremy… no one. Certainly not us. In the whole of this land, there is Norman and Norman alone. To be blunt, he amazes me. I think he’s one of the strongest men in the world.

Ben Whishaw as Norman Scott in A Very English Scandal (2018)

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