Society and sexism
You know as a dude I understand there is a LOT of sexism in our society but usually under sexism my first thought is things like sexual harassment or job discrimination and rarely perceive other aspects. But I just watched episode of Bones and the issue was about something called fantasy football. Based on the explanation it’s literally one of the silliest geekiest things a grown man can do. And yet no one in the episode made fun of them. In fact the writers even went out of their way to show that the main male character aka the super awesome perfect hero has also played it and enjoyed it greatly.
And yet we constantly see shows which dismiss more typically female things like shopping, going to yoga or to a spa day things that frankly are far more beneficial for your life and treat them as something to be almost mocked or as being shallow or pointless
And when I began to think about it this is even worse when it comes to real life as well. I mean look at sport fans. Most of them are grown man with jobs and families and yet they do ridiculous things like paint their faces, shout on top of their lungs, remember sport statistics, get into fights .start actual riots….etc.. And yet society treats them with tolerance and even in positive manner with that old “oh look at those rascals” attitude. But teen girls who are excited to see their favorite signers or actors and behave in frankly far more subdued matter then sport fans are treated as crazy, brainless bimbos and constantly mocked. And I can’t even imagine how a say forty year old woman would be treated if she dares to act this excited
Woman in our society are fucked on so many matters it’s horrifying. Can’t even imagine what it is like to grow as a girl when there are so many things going against you