Shoot prompt: "Call me tiny again and i will end you."
“We are locked in the trunk of a Jetta,” Root quietly muttered into the dark between the grunts of trying to get her hands unbound, “Tiny is a compliment.”
“Jesus, watch your knees, Root,” Shaw scooted away as best she could from the jerking knees that were constantly moving near her face.
“Sorry,” Root straightened out her legs and tried to get a handle on what was keeping her wrists behind her back, “I can’t-” She heard the soft metallic thud of handcuffs on the carpeted floor of the trunk, “You just got yours off didn’t you?”
“You’ve been trained for this,” Shaw felt around the trunk to get a better understanding of how big their space was. “Turn around. I’ll get you out.”
Root rolled to her other side and scooted toward the outside of the trunk to give Shaw room. She felt nimble fingers start working to get her out, “If I miss the beta test…”
“Harold is not going to turn on the Machine again without you,” Shaw unlocked Root’s handcuffs. “Especially after what happened last time. Where’s my knife?”
Root reached into her bra and pulled out a small knife, “They never check bras. Polite, but stupid.”
The car lurched to a stop and Root violently rolled into Shaw. Shaw took a knee to the face and recoiled.
“Oh shit, are you okay?” Root reached down and touched Shaw’s face with her hand.
Shaw batted her hand away, “I’m fine.” She opened the knife when she heard a key in the lock of the trunk and as soon as she opened it, sprang out, incapacitating two men who had kidnapped them.
Root slipped out of the trunk gracefully and looked around the warehouse they were brought to. She looked around and smiled, “Oh yes. This was worth pretending to be kidnapped.”
Shaw smiled, walking to the nearest crate and pushing the lid off. She plunged her hand inside and extracted an AK-47. “So worth it.”