do you think noel noa looks at kunigami with horror? do you think he looks at kunigami and sees himself, just a ruined version of it? a version of himself that has been beaten down and broken in order to get there? do you think noa looks at kunigami and sees the results, the consequences of what his and ego’s rivalry became? do you think he blames himself for it? for what this child has been forced to become? do you think he looks at kunigami and regrets everything he and ego ever did, because look at what beautiful talent they have ruined in their quest to prove the other’s principles wrong? do you think he sees something other than human when he looks at this teenager, because this is not a teenager true to himself so much as a child warping and twisting himself into his hero’s image? does he see something awful, not through any fault of kunigami’s own, but because ego failed him? because ego is so caught up in noel noa’s physical strength and because noa could never stop him? and no matter how hard kunigami works, do you think noel noa can ever truly believe in him? even when noa knows that ego’s methods cannot be right? even when he sees a completely broken version of himself in kunigami? when he sees a version of himself that doesn’t make it?
do you think noel noa can ever forgive kunigami for what he’s become, for what he’s trying to prove? it’s not his fault, no, he was just a bright eyed teenager in love with soccer. but it’s still his body. it’s still him playing. do you think noel noa can ever forgive him for that? love him? understand him? or maybe i’m wrong. maybe noel noa is the only one who can do those things.