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Titanium King

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Listen. I'm hungry for cookies. I want to build a time machine. I am unique in these things.

Make no mistake, the Palestinian resistance caused this. Just hours ago, they announced a successful operation against the IDF

Its operations like these that has made it difficult for the IDF to conduct a genocide in Gaza

Of course the biggest credit goes to the people of Northern Gaza who steadfastly refused for 16 months to let their land get colonised




Some rando: You should think about stopping your prescription

Me: My pills make me not want to die tho

They: You shouldn’t want to die, that’s not normal

Me: Yeah that’s why I’m taking my pills

Again: But you aren’t the *real* you when you’re on your pills

Me: I’m the alive version of me

An actual doctor, once: “Relying On A Chemical Crutch For A Hormonal Imbalance Denies The Fortitude Of The Human Soul”

Me: Cool so like I’m agnostic


They: “But you might be on pills the rest of your life!”

Me: “So?”

Good! That means that I have a “rest of” my life to continue living!

Thanks to the pills.

Meanwhile, no person ever: “You should think about giving up your insulin/antiretrovirals/beta blockers/anti-rejection drugs/prosthetic legs/daily multivitamin, because using those your whole life is bad for some reason”

Oh no, they do that too.

I have a kidney transplant. A woman once told me she didn’t believe in organ transplants and that people should just die when they’re meant to. 

Sounds like a great set-up for a murder

People who are fully healthy, fit and neurotypical seem to think they are that way because they’re doing something right that the rest of us haven’t thought of, and not just because they got lucky


Speaking of the luck of the non-disabled…I once terrorized a Karen who was using me to teach her entitled kid that disabled people are Other and should not be treated with respect. I told her (truthfully) that until I was twenty-eight, I wasn’t visibly disabled. Then a defective chromosome that I hadn’t known about kicked in. So my luck ran out. But until then, I had been normal–just…like…her. 

The sheer terror on her face as the concept of “You mean I’ve just been lucky so far?” seeped into her brain was a thing of beauty.


People who are fully healthy, fit and neurotypical seem to think they are that way because they’re doing something right that the rest of us haven’t thought of, and not just because they got lucky



“You are one stroke of bad luck, common viral illness, or traumatic event away from being just like me” is honestly the most terrifying thing you can tell an abled person - and you should. I was healthy and fit and doing everything ‘right’ too - right up until some inner switch flipped and my body crumbled right out from under me.


*modestly* I'm something of a Ramanujan myself (in that I believe things I cannot prove)

I'm similar to Ramanujan in that I sometimes dream of mathematical proofs, and dissimilar to Ramanujan in that mine turn out wrong.

lack formal training? in frail health? you too could be Ramanujan!


Zuck wants affirmative action for douchebags.


truth. i deleted facebook and instagram after this straw broke the camel’s back. (it was pretty broken before though. lots of straws) doing so required a little consideration and only a week’s planning and a few hours of effort. 1. warn the friends who still use facebook regularly that you will do so. give them alternative ways to contact you. look through your friend list and message the ones you want to keep your phone number to text. 2. download your decade’s worth of photos. you can do so in one batch. you have to request it, and give facebook and instagram a few days to get it together. 3.choose a day to pull the plug and stick to it.

basically, the clever thing facebook does is use your family and friends (and conveniently interacting with them) against you, betting that you’ll literally endure any poor behaviour on their part rather than pull yourself away from your fam/friends.

and they’re right that it is hard. but your phone address book works just as well as facebook messenger at sending notes. and there are other ways to do the type of interaction that facebook used to do well. are you using to to organize a nonprofit or volunteering with your friends? start a discord together. sharing photos with your pals? there’s this new thing called “pixelfed” which works like instagram but is open source and decentralized. life updates from pals? move to bluesky (or even better: mastodon) together. you can make a list of JUST YOUR REAL LIFE FRIENDS and read about each others foibles. will you lose out on local restaurants posting special events? and free local classifieds?

cuz listen. facebook is a bad actor. it’s really bad. their main function is tricking businesses to advertise with them over buying newspaper ads. and they do it through a combination of keeping you and your boomer parents captured, and lying to businesses about how many people are engaging with these ads. note that their main function isn’t “a good user experience.” if they did, they wouldn’t have censored all canadian journalism stories from their website. they just want you to be on their site, and they don’t care how. they show you inflammatory political opinions by people you’ll agree with (boomer memes, yo). they show you those algorithm powered viral videos of people doing woodworking scraped off of tiktok. they show you infuriating political posts by fascist groups to troll you. SOON THEY WILL SHOW YOU AI GENERATED CONTENT PRETENDING TO BE FROM PEOPLE TO FLATTER OR ENRAGE YOU.

but good news. your boomer parents are only on there because you are. and young people never really bought in. if enough of us leave (and i don’t mean ghost. most of us HAVE ghosted. i mean delete your account and tell everyone). the boomers will leave, and then? maybe local restaurants will put their advertising money back into newspapers. maybe people will start using other local classifieds. maybe nature will heal. the idea of facebook as a public square is great, but it’s more like a pitcher plant than it is a public square. and the company is batshit evil.

facebook sucks. but like twitter, and myspace, and friendster, and orkut, and msn, and icq… if enough people leave, EVERYONE WILL LEAVE.


Someday your hands will be old and wrinkled, the skin spotted and bunching over your knuckles. And a child will watch you make something. It's a simple task, you'll have done it a thousand times before. But to that child, the smooth, confident way your hands move will seem like impossible magic. You have to keep living.

Some of my best friend's fondest memories of her grandmother are Mamaw kicking ass at tekken. This is not only possible it has happened before!

Hi! That's okay! If you keep playing for the next fifty or sixty years, I'm sure you'll be able to whoop any 5-10 year olds who challenge you no problem!


In 1808 one of the few instances of martial law was declared in Australia, after the military overthrew the government in response to news that they would no longer be paid in alcohol.

The military junta ruled the colony for 6 months, with their main impact being the opening of 90 new liquor stores.

The rebellion's leader, John Macarthur, successfully bamboozled the English courts by arguing he couldn't be court martialed as a civilian, and returned to the colony uncharged.

He was later put on the Australian $2 bank note, and has an electoral district named after him.

Here he is apparently beaming some mind control waves at a sheep


everything i learn about australia is the most australian thing ive ever heard


the bus stop sunk cost fallacy

your scheduled bus did not show up. you’ve already waited 20 minutes. it’s over half a mile to a different line’s bus stop. do you leave, knowing that the bus you’re waiting for might show up as soon as you do? the next scheduled bus is 20 minutes out. it may also not show up. it’s so cold that you long since lost feeling in your extremities. you once again consider the merits of tracking down the president of the transit agency. for a chat. you’ve already waited 20 minutes.


If it's 30 seconds late I'm cancelling my plans and going to bed.


What if you're trying to catch the bus home? And it's 20 min late?

Then it's not a sunk cost issue I'm just fucked.


trying to not give into despair and let hope prevail. there is a future ahead, and it doesn’t have to be bad, even when things are out of my control, even though I’m chronically ill, even though it’s hard to get the things I dream of. there is still a possibility of good days coming even if things in your life aren’t necessarily great right now


for the last fucking time, tiktok getting banned is BAD. this is a huge free speech concern. it's rooted in sinophobia. and it will set a really bad precedent that allows the government to ban any platform that doesn't let them control the media narrative

the leftism bare minimum of fucking democracy leaving peoples bodies when a platform they don't personally like is on the chopping block


I saw a post before about how hackers are now feeding Google false phone numbers for major companies so that the AI Overview will suggest scam phone numbers, but in case you haven't heard,

PLEASE don't call ANY phone number recommended by AI Overview

unless you can follow a link back to the OFFICIAL website and verify that that number comes from the OFFICIAL domain.

My friend just got scammed by calling a phone number that was SUPPOSED to be a number for Microsoft tech support according to the AI Overview

It was not, in fact, Microsoft. It was a scammer. Don't fall victim to these scams. Don't trust AI generated phone numbers ever.

do not read or pay any attention whatsoever to google's AI overview.


oooohhhh ok. the more you deny yourself the more you lose yourself


Cavemen didn't have clocks yet, so it was a mystery to them why the sun suddenly started setting and rising an hour later or earlier when daylight savings changed over. Now we know.


there's a really funny 3d printing controversy going on btw.

if you don't know, there's a very popular 3d printing model out there called "benchy". this is used for benchmarking your 3d printer because it's a difficult print and will help test it out.

this is so widely used that people make their own little versions of it, remixing the 3d model to make benchy look cooler and stuff. however, a new company owns the benchy license. they are sending copyright takedowns to all those who wrongfully uploaded the benchy model.

of course, this is pissing off the 3d printing community greatly. everyone loved benchy and have used it for years. so someone on reddit decided to make a new model that is designed as a 3d printing stress test. one that works a lot like benchy, and people are freely able to edit it as they please. you know what they called it?


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