Sometimes I feel like think of these things too late...but whatever.
[I'm having some problems uploading this as a gif, so click on it to see it!]
Voyager of Time [small] update:
There's now an official facebook page!
A WIP OoT Mod to be released May, 1st, 2013.
The Voyager of Time is a mod worked on by Giadrosich and some others at The-GCN. It is not a full mod, but one that changes the whole story and reroutes the line of the game, quite significantly. Here's a short description of the background:
Voyager of Time takes place after Majora's Mask, but it is not a direct sequel. Link has come back to the Kokiri Forest to try and find peace after his last adventure. It is implied that he has had a third adventure in Termina but with the fairy Tael instead of Tatl. The younger brother of the feisty Tatl is a bit more subdued, but also more brave than what we've seen in Majora's Mask. He can hold his own and he and Link have grown to be great friends.
Please visit the website for more info!
Official Website:
Official Facebook Page:
Trailer 1:
Trailer 2:
Deku Tree Preview:
I will post the download information upon release!
Some additional screenshots of the URA Project.
Hi everyone! Happy Zombie Jesus Day! This is a proof-of-progress video by ZethN64 over at the-gcn forums of a ROM hack that will be designed to be as close as Zelda Ura, an expansion for OoT Nintendo scrapped when the 64DD failed, as possible from some old screenshots and other miscellanea. I will update everyone on this and of course notify when this is released as it will be really really awesome. Enjoy!
Omg gifs where there reflection of the water is constantly moving on the walls in the background are the hardest to make. But here you go :)
I never understood why the beggar begged Link to sell him stuff.