Watch "Israeli Forces Attack Funeral Of Slain Palestinian-American Journalist" on YouTube
I told you it was going to get worse.
There is no bottom to Israel. There is nothing too horrific, too disgusting. There no level they won't stoop to. Because that is what they are.
And that whole thing about not letting Muslims. It's so easy to be evil when you're not Muslim or Arab.
I know there are some blind ass scum out there that support Israel because they associate Israel with White and Palestine with Arab or brown. You know who you are.
Just the level of sickness these disgusting horrid bastards can get away with is just so depressing and exhausting.
But, listen, make sure everyone knows you DO NOT ACCEPT THIS! Tweet about this. TikTok, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube. Just all the sites. I know tech companies like to hide these posts but make it so much that everyone know that they are suppressing voices against injustice. Make sure Israel and it's supporters feel their grip is slipping. Post as much as you can!
Don't wait for the next nightmare. Because Israel will continue making those nightmares because no level is low enough for them. It's just going to cost more people their lives and homes if you wait around for Israel kill someone else. Keep going!