Watch "Why Israel Matters to Americans" on YouTube
"Because Israeli violence is necessary to protect Israel from threats to it's exceptional existence. Just as American violence is necessary to protect the United States from threats to it's exceptional existence."
"How Israel is covered in the U.S. news and popular media serves to obscure the biggest thing that ties the United States and Israel together. They're both settler colonial states which have been built on the displacement and ethnic cleansing of other people."
"Good journalism about Israel doesn't ignore what sustain Israel's existence as it is: the apartheid, Gaza as an open-air prison, the ever-expanding settlements, the checkpoints, the land theft, the incarcerations and killings of Palestinian youth, in addition to so much else that is meant to ensure that Palestinians never have self-determination."
But, don't get it wrong. Israel is the victim. They're at constant threats that someone will bring up the illegal displacements on the news when journalists try to dance around and leave them out. They're so worried that people will not count the hundreds of Palestinian children that die because of Israeli missiles ( whereas Israeli death toll never comes close to that number ) as less than. Poor little Israel.
To any Zionists or people that feel like their falling down the rabbit hole of Zionism, would you like to keep supporting this. Because the list goes on. And it'll keep going on so long as you play a hand in supporting this regime!
Palestine has not often had it's story at the center of the conversation. To do that, you'd have to acknowledge that Israel's terror runs deep and that something Israel wants to avoid like the plague.