Hi Winterhawklings!
We've created a survey to see how much interest there is in doing another Winterhawk Remix this year, when we should hold it, and also to assess if we need to make any changes to the set up from last year.
If you're at all interested in taking part, even if you're not sure if you can, please take the survey so we can get a good idea of what people are thinking and run the event at the time that suits the most people.
If you took part last year, there is also a section for you to give some feedback on last year's event. Don't worry, we won't take it personally. We'd like to know if there's anything we can do to improve the way this works.
Also, please reblog this if you can to make sure it's seen by as many people as possible!
We're going to leave this survey open for a week, so the last day for responses is the 26th March.
Anyone who hasn't seen this and is interested in another Winterhawk Remix, please take a couple of minutes to fill it in before Friday.