bleb-punk reblogged
bleb-punk reblogged
So, I bet you thought I’d forgotten about my fantroll project, hmm?! Okay, you’re mostly right. Wait…what’s that you say? You forgot about it the second it showed up on your dash (or possibly before)? Well, I can’t say that’s encouraging. Nonetheless…
This is Inerva Veitor (CREEPYeverything/Ce) in her lab, just after making a Compifuge by combining capcha codes for, you guessed it, a centrifuge and a computer. As expected, the Compifuge was rubbish, but amusing nonetheless.
Inerva was loosely based on Veitstanz, with permission.
i was just thinking about veti-cestor and kaz-cestor wrecking shit.
bleb-punk reblogged
Worried, can’t sleep, draw self-indulgent stuff.
Self-indulgent as in “what if Medic was a medical illustrator”.