“Moonglass” & “Marsglass”
Japanese researchers have created a design for artificial gravity buildings to be installed on theMoon and Mars , which could help reduce human health risks on future missions.
The proposal is the creation of gigantic rotating structures that would create the effect of gravity similar to Earth's through centripetal force (points to the center of the circulatory movement).
To provide the gravity we’re used to on our home world, the tower would spin on its central axis at a rate of one rotation every 20 seconds.
If constructed, the glass towers would stand 400 meters tall (roughly the height of the Empire State Building in New York City) and 100 meters wide.
Several floors of the rotating buildings are surrounded by liquid water and land with trees, creating a mini-biome with water and carbon cycles to sustain human populations. In addition, the researchers proposed a transport system called Hexatrack, which maintains Earth-like gravity.
These are self-contained train cars that are injected into stations and then inserted into a rotating hexagonal capsule that also generates centripetal force as it travels across the planet.
This type of rotational motion that simulates gravity is already used in G-force tests in the training of astronauts and fighter pilots.
Developed by a research team from Kyoto University’s SIC Manned Cosmology Research Center and Kajima Corporation