just so you know
the US minimum wage that we all agree is too low to live on ($15,080/yr) is far more than many legally disabled people receive in benefits
the maximum SSI for a single person is $8,796/yr if a disabled person marries another, each drops to a max of $6,600/yr
while you’re fighting for 15 maybe look at that too
Not to mention we aren’t allowed to have more than $2,000 saved at a time. EVER. Like EVER or we lose all benefits completely. In the bank, in cash, it doesn’t matter. The government literally keeps us poor, while also making us pay immense amounts of money for health care that we require to even survive or function (let alone work enough to be able to get off of benefits, not to mention that there are a ton of people who will never be able to do that anyways). It’s a very, very broken system and not one that was ever meant to actually help anyone.
Plus, “marriage equality” is still a huge problem for disabled people (as you can see), which is something almost everyone is ignorant to/doesn’t care about.
Btw that’s $733 a MONTH they want us to use for rent, food, and everything else. I asked once why it’s so low- how that’s even fair. She responded that they only factor in how much it would cost for rent and for food (with food stamps). That’s it. That’s all the government thinks we need to live. Rent and food.
And in case you weren’t aware, the disabled cost of living is much higher than the fully abled cost of living.
Mobility aids are expensive. Medications and supplements are expensive. Special diets to accommodate illnesses are expensive. Avoiding a long list of allergies is expensive. Wheelchair accessible home and car modifications are expensive. Hiring someone to do all your cleaning and laundry because you can’t is expensive.
And yet they still give us so little money that abled people couldn’t possibly live on it.